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Visiting the Farm 2024




OPEN Wednesday to Sunday 1030 - 4pm  - except Wednesday 24th July  when we will be closed

As we slip into June and wait patiently for the summer, and some  sunshine,  the memory of our wettest winter/spring  for years is swiftly passing, and albeit our wild flower water meadows, orchards  and Jacob sheep are looking fantastic our Lavender has suffered badly and along with many farmers in the region we have had a worrying spring.  Sam and I walked the fields again this morning and albeit heartened by the some budding over the last couple of weeks we have probably lost about two thirds of our plants,  albeit bitterly disappointing we have much to be thankful for, moorhen, duck and coot chicks are on the pond, tadpoles are turning to ‘froglets’ and the first Damsel and Dragon flies have taken wing.


Our focus now is on re-establishing the  Lavender fields to bring them back to full production next year and so we have  just starting planting our next batch of  2500, Hidcote, Mellisa lilac, Imperial Gem and Grosso plants, with similar planned for the autumn and spring  25; our fields should be in full flower by next summer  with an ever growing  flourish of Butterflies and Bees that we seem to have attracted to the area.


Our Tea rooms and Gallery shall be opening on the 8th June, and we look forward to welcoming you to come and enjoy partaking in Sams famous cakes/refreshments and finding a unique gift amongst the craftwork on sale from our visiting local artists and artisans. Our fields will be open at no charge for you to wander around, albeit the Lavender is not as glorious as previous years there are many other aspects to enjoy if you take the time to watch the wildlife and other flora. We will be harvesting from  mid July and for the following three weeks or so distillation of the Lavender will be ongoing in the barn alongside the tea rooms for you to see.


We shall not be running a booking system this year for individulas/family groups nor shall we  charge for entry to the fields, however, we trust you will understand that we are a small enterprise and so for groups/clubs we ask that you do contact us prior to ensure we can cater to your needs.


Thankyou for your support and encouragement


Sam and Mark

Roskorwell Farm Cornish Lavender